XR for Kids with Cancer

18Loop is a 501c3 nonprofit company that deploys XR technology to help children with cancer tolerate treatment, recover and thrive. The headsets we deploy help our kids with mood, pain mitigation, immersive learning, collaboration and exercise. Our team and partners believe that health and wellness XR makes a big impact on the lives of pediatric cancer patients. 18Loop has been focused on our #techforgood mission since 2017.


18 Loop's VR program fits beautifully into ACCO's resources that we provide to children. Kids undergoing cancer treatment receive harsh therapies that can include toxic chemotherapy, surgery, and radiation. Teens face unique challenges in that they are often isolated from their friends and school community during a time in their lives when they would normally be expanding their social reach. Additionally, one in five teens will learn that they will not be cured of their cancer, and must face death with an increased cognitive understanding as a result of their age. When Greg first introduced the VR program, I had known many teens who had died from cancer and had witnessed their emotional and physical pain. Helping these kids to not feel as isolated, and assisting them with pain management through the VR headset was a gift to these incredible teens as they faced death.

Ruth Hoffman

American Childhood Cancer Organization

Our Program

18Loop and the American Childhood Cancer Organization (ACCO) have been working collaboratively since 2020 to deploy Virtual Reality (VR) headsets to kids with cancer. Today, over 100 children in 32 states have received our headsets and our message has been amplified on television and the internet.

With the ACCO, 18Loop is proving the efficacy of VR for mood enhancement for cancer kids and families. 85% of our teens report better mood after VR immersion. VR is a proven family intervention, with the headsets having a wholistic impact on cancer families. We have seen the benefit for siblings and parents.

18Loop is also currently supplying technology for joint research in Michigan being conducted with the XR Impact Network. We invite you to read more about it.

Servier Pharmaceuticals is the main funder of our work. We have also received generous donations from Tripp and Meta.

Our Partners

Play Video

Our Passion

The 18Loop kids in these videos have enjoyed their VR headsets and felt the impact of our mission. We love to see children using our technology to battle cancer. We believe that XR and spatial computing is a vital part of any treatment plan, including both teenagers and our younger program participants.

Our Blog

Welcome to the 18Loop blog! You will find stories from patients and families, health and wellness XR industry news, partner and fundraising updates and insight into our progress and mission. Our team will post regular updates including our coverage in the press. Enjoy the updates!


We believe in sharing industry research that supports technology intervention in our focus areas. Here you can find published papers that illustrate how effective XR can be to pediatric cancer patients and other populations combating pain, discomfort and mood issues.

18Loop/ACCO VR Survey Initial Results Snapshot

Usability and Satisfaction of Augmented Reality During Pediatric Anesthesia Induction: A Pilot Study

Immersive virtual reality or computerised mindfulness meditation for improving mood? Preliminary efficacy from a pilot randomised trial

The Multidomain Metaverse Cancer Care Digital Platform: Development and Usability Study

What Is Medical Extended Reality? A Taxonomy Defining the Current Breadth and Depth of an Evolving Field

Contact Us

Please fill out our contact form. We are interested in your feedback and we’d like to keep you up to date on the progress of our mission. We are interested in inquiries from medical personnel and those with technology expertise in the area of Virtual Reality. For parents involved in 18Loop programs, head to Parent/Tech.

Contact Info

118 Park Avenue, ##404, Rutherford, NJ 07070


(201) 725-2656


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