
This spring, 18Loop has surpassed 100 headsets deployed. The majority of the VR headsets have been connected to children through the American Childhood Cancer Organization. 18Loop also maintains a relationship with the XR Impact Network that has afforded us the opportunity to serve children in a study in Michigan at the Maggie’s Wigs 4 Kids host site.

18Loop is constantly examining the XR market and is excited to have sent out our first Meta Quest 3 headsets to constituent children. The XR market is constantly evolving, and our team is examining new technology and virtual environments with a foundation in AI. We have tested the new Apple Vision Pro as well, and while the current price is prohibitive, we see a lot of future potential as a platform for our kids as battery life increases, weight decreases and price points drop.

Healthcare and Wellness XR has made inroads since 18Loop shipped its first headset in 2020. The industry has seen regulatory progress, with XR solutions achieving FDA approval and becoming prescribable interventions. We remain convinced in the efficacy of VR medicine, and we are confident that the industry is moving toward establishment as a commonly prescribed platform to combat mood and pain issues. Likewise, research supports the benefits of collaboration, learning and exercise applications. We are privileged to continue to work with our kids during this exciting time for technology.

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