
18Loop is proud to announce that we have won an honorable mention in Fast Company‘s World Changing Ideas 2021. Check out our Press Release HERE. This recognition will help us to raise funds and to scale our growing research study. We are shipping new Oculus Quest 2 headsets in May, and the American Childhood Cancer Organization (ACCO) has already received the initial technology. Our focus throughout the rest of the year will be on scaling our footprint of deployed headsets, gathering qualitative and quantitative data and driving fundraising to support our mission. We are excited to be engaged and hope to earn your support!

18Loop has received feedback this month from the field and is proud to announce that we have discovered another great application of VR for our kids with cancer. Miles, an ACCO child, sent us video of himself playing Beat Saber. Miles’ mom told us that his doctors thought that the physical activity of the game helped him to flush the chemotherapy drug out of his system after treatment, providing a physical stimulus that was hard to achieve while confined in the hospital. Get better Miles, and keep using VR!

In the coming months, we will ship many more VR headsets and continue to grow our relationship with the ACCO. We are excited that we are generating interest from those who treat and cope with childhood cancer as well as from those who work in the field of VR. 18Loop is worthy of support not only because we are unique in addressing the mood of our kids, but also because we provide Oculus VR for free to our kids and families. Every kid gets a VR headset, and families are encouraged to enjoy them for gaming, communication and stress management together. 18Loop is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit. Help us help our kids!

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