18Loop.org Relaunches, ICCD and Our Backlog Ships!

18Loop.org Relaunches, ICCD and Our Backlog Ships!


We are happy to announce that 18Loop.org has relaunched. Thank you for visiting us and please consider making a donation. This month, we have shipped VR headsets to the remainder of the kids on our waiting list. We are grateful that they will be participating in our research and hope the wait was worth it! As of now, 91% of our existing kids report better mood while using VR.

We have a research group of 45 children with cancer, and we hope that our impact continues to reach not only child participants but families as a whole. This Family Intervention has regularly occurred during the research. Family Intervention is important to palliative care physicians. They look at the health of their patients as a whole and value approaches to therapy that impact the larger family unit. 18Loop’s VR solutions do this, and doctors find them valuable. Where else can you participate it VR gaming, meditation and (soon) multi-player collaborative experiences?

This February 15th is International Childhood Cancer Day. Please visit our partners at the American Childhood Cancer Organization (ACCO) for more information about celebrating the event. 400,000 children get diagnosed globally every year. 16,000 are in the United States. 18Loop’s goal is to reach all of these kids. That will take a big fundraising effort and community support. We will be celebrating ICCD by airing an interview with our CEO about childhood cancer and the disease at large. There are great disparities in how cancer is treated between developing and developed countries and this impacts children as well as adults. 18Loop looks forward to sharing this interview that was conducted between Greg Tarnacki and Goodera.

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